
Welcome to Primrose Lake 4: Known bugs and issues

This article includes currently known bugs and issues in Welcome to Primrose Lake 4. This page will be updated as soon as a new version of the game is available. Thank you for your patience!


Bug - Level 14
The side objective cannot be completed as only 4 boxes are requested, but 6 are required.


An updated version of the game is now available that fixes this issue. Please uninstall the game and then redownload it from the game page on our website to get the latest version!


Bug - Level 44
Two characters sitting at the upper left table never order anything, so the level cannot be completed.

Option 1) Replay level S22, then play level 44 again. Sometimes you need to do this twice in order for the problem to be resolved.

Option 2) When playing the level, don't clean the upper left table after an earlier customer uses it. This stops anyone else from sitting at that table and therefore the issue is avoided.

An updated version of the game is now available that fixes this issue. Please uninstall the game and then redownload it from the game page on our website to get the latest version!


Bug - The game does not pause properly
When the game is paused, sometimes gameplay continues in the background, despite the side menu being opened and the game appearing to be paused. 


The developer is working on a fix for this and will provide an updated version of the game that fixes this bug.


Issue - The game crashes
The game crashes for some players.

1) Ensure all other programs, updates, syncing programs, etc. are closed before opening the game.

2) Check and perform any available updates for your operating system and graphic card driver:

The most common drivers are listed below. Click on the name of the driver you have (if known) and follow the steps to update this.

Note: Intel users - Some PC manufacturers can modify Intel's drivers to add or remove functionalities. This means that if you have a branded device, it's recommended to download the latest graphics update from your manufacturer first, then through Intel.

The most common PC manufacturers are:






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