Redownloading your purchased games
For information on unlocking your games, click here!
1. Proceed to
2. In the top right corner, click on Sign In and enter your email address and the password you selected for this account
3. Once logged in, click on My Games and you will see a list of all previously purchased games
4. Click on the redownload link next to this game and it should immediately start to download
5. The download window will then appear as per the below image
Note: If this window doesn't automatically appear, check the bottom left corner of your screen for an installer exe option. See the below example for your reference.
1. Click on the installer exe option
2. Then click on run so the download and installation begins
Note: Once your game has been redownloaded, you will see a game window appear and here you will unlock the full version. For instructions, please click here!