Using reward coupon codes to buy games
Reward Coupons will automatically appear in your Shopping Cart. You will need to ensure the coupon box is ticked so the discount is applied to your purchase.
Note: If you also have free game credits, this box will be automatically ticked. Make sure to first untick the credit box and then tick the reward coupon code box as per the below steps.
Step 1 - When credit box is still ticked
Step 2 - When credit box is unticked
Step 3 - When reward coupon code box is ticked (will show as $0.00 if you have a 100% off code)
Alternatively, you can also copy and paste the coupon code into the provided section.
Note: If you have credits also, be sure to untick the credit box first before applying the coupon code.
Manually redeeming reward coupon codes
1. Enter in the reward coupon code in the indicated section
2. Then you must click on Apply Coupon
3. The total amount owing will then change to the discounted amount or $0.00
4. Check the total amount owing is correct before clicking on Order Now